Uvedba procesnih izboljšav v podjetju MLMSP

Namen projekta so izboljšave poslovnih procesov, kar vključuje celovito prenovo poslovnih procesov, vpeljava vitkega poslovanja in poslovnih procesov in učinkovito upravljanje poslovnih procesov. Z optimizacijo poslovnih procesov, se bo povišala stopnja zaupanja strank v naše storitve. Ker se zavedamo, da so ljudje ključni faktor vsakega podjetja bomo vlagali v zaposlene in njihovo motiviranost, kar bo posledično privedlo do večje produktivnosti. Z različnimi delavnicami bomo spodbujali kreiranje novih idej in uporabo različnih praks na sorodnih področjih, s čimer se bo povečeval faktor inovativnosti v podjetju. Širili in združevali bomo naš intelektualni kapital, predvsem znanje, vezano na podjetje kot celoto, hkrati pa bomo lahko naročnikom ponujali storitve z dodano vrednostjo, ki bo prepoznana po svoji kvaliteti in doprinosu k njihovemu poslovanju. Skupna predvidena vrednost projekta znaša 40.000 EUR, vrednost sofinanciranja pa je 20.000 EUR. Naložbo sofinancirata RS in EU iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj (www.eu-skladi.si) .
Startup MEDIA LAB d. o. o. amongst 100 best employers in Slovenia!
Selection Zlata Nit (eng. Golden Thread) is an unique media-research project of daily newspaper Dnevnik, involving human resource professionals of Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Arts.
Zlata Nits' focus is to identify and promote best employers as well as to check the quality of the relationship between the organization and its employees. Zlata Nit selects the best employers in the category of small (10 to 50 employees), medium (51 to 250 employees) and large enterprises (over 250 employees). Despite being merely a startup but with a young and ambitious team, MEDIA LAB d. o. o. was ranked amongst 100 best employers in 2010.
With 28.000 coupons sold in one offer, 1nadan.si broke the international record!

In spring 2011 1nadan.si broke the boundaries in the group purchasing industry! With total 28,000 coupons sold within one single offer in only a couple of days, 1nadan.si can prouldy present one of the most successful local bids, not only in the region, but globally. What made the offer so successful? Dhe deal was rather simple, a mixed meat grill plate for 2 persons reduced from € 15.9 to merely € 2.90 at a restaurant chain in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The deal was sweetened with a prize-game and a drawing lot, which made it even more attractive. The coupons were valid over 8 months and in total almost 60.000 people benefitted from the offer with consumer savings of more than € 350,000. What does the restaurant chain think of the deal? The CEO Momčilo Jorgačević stated at the press conference, specially formed for that occasion that in times of crisis one has to be innovative and undertake campaigns like coupons in order to make restaurant offer closer to customers. The win-win element and the source of income despite the greatly reduced plate for the restaurant chain were side dishes going along the meat grill plate and of course drinks, coffee and deserts. In average, it is estimated a couple that went for a meat plate, spent additional 10 - 15 € on side dishes.